Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How to get 'Amazing' into your life

Lost in this world... who are we? Sometimes we find ourselves waking up in the middle of the night wondering if we're the people we need to be in life. Our passions, ideals, dreams and livelyhood - are we happy with the person in the mirror? Many of us have no idea who we are at one point or another. Struggling a long time to understand or find something within ourselves, yet some of us, never find the "rabbit hole" to our hearts; time to change that.

Lets face it: people are afraid of people who are different. Groomed from early age, we've been taught to 'fit into society and a system' to get by. We hold the world in our hands, but we shape it in the way we've been told too. Brainwashed? Maybe... although pointing fingers won't change the past nor future. 

While some have made a decision to control their lives, many followed the herd, went with the flow and fell into the trap of security and conformity. Well done! You are: Normal. You can't be Normal and expect Amazing. 

We are all dealt a hand of cards in life, but that only determines our beginnings. There are many ways to live your life... who we chose to be in our story, is not left up to the world, it's left up to You. No one has written your life for you and nothing or no one will. Nothing can control your happiness, unless you let them.

How do we get amazing? Life is amazing, constantly providing us with opportunities. One day in our lives could change everything. Small opportunities that seem insignificant show up all the time, with a choice of taking it on, or missing out - ultimately, shaping our future significantly. You could meet a best friend for life, who might save your life in time to come, or possibly introduce you to the love of your life. Maybe just someone who would change your story forever by offering you an opportunity.

Your story is unwritten, and since your reading this, it's not over yet! What will you write? Will you... try? Will you give up? Will you go with the flow or follow your heart? Will you believe in yourself and face the problems in your life? Will you make the difficult yet best decision to become who you want to be, or will you take the easy way out and reap the 'Normal' that you sow? 

It's in your hands... your hands alone. Look into your heart and ask yourself, what story you want to write... then make every page count, you know you can - I do.

"You'll know you've made the right decision, when there is peace in your heart"

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