Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Best Advice to the Right Decision

Decisions, decision... they can be a real bitch to make. You'll find yourself approaching friends, family or even complete strangers for advice on making a decision. Somehow, they always seem to help, even in situations where he/she might not have the full insight or understanding of the situation. wtf?

Deep down inside your gray haven, you know what you really want. Even if it's on a subconscious level, you have that knowledge hidden away. All we really need, is a good reason... justification if you will, some facts behind our fiction; in most cases, clear up the 'love goggles' you've got on. Once you have good reasoning accompanied by another person's opinion, you'll feel like you are making a good decision. This neat little dragon, has two tails:

  • It's quite odd... we know just what to say when others come to us for advice; we don't even need a moment to ponder on it - it just comes flowing out. Why? You don't need to carry the consequences of this decision being discussed. You think freely, fluently and logically. You are not inside the box.
  • Secondly, have you ever wondered why they've approached you? Because you are cool? Lol! It's because they know on some subconscious level, you will give them what they want. Whether if that advice may be good or bad, sincere or untruthful, wise or reckless. If you would like a real and honest opinion on a matter, you'll talk to the people whom will give it to you without the icing on the cake. It all comes down to what you really want in your heart. 

As for great advice - where do we find it? Well, great advice comes from great people. Do you know anyone great? You should... they live in a mirror. That's right Einstein! You have great advice. You won't always be inside the box; it's valuable to write down your own ideas from time to time, it will force your gray matter to think about them and grow them. This will lead to better ideas, better advice - maybe to help others, but mostly for yourself to follow.

People let ideas flow through their minds like fish through a river; if you don't put up a net, you won't catch anything. Reading over your own thoughts will make you rethink everything, possibly change your complete perspective. Sometimes this will lead you into making confident decisions without seeking advice. Sounds like the type of person I'd want to be :)

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